December the Eighth - A Great and Mighty Wonder

December the Eighth - A Great and Mighty Wonder

One of my favourite Christmas Carols  has been "A great wonder, a full and blessed cure" Tune "Es ist ein ros" by Michael Praetorius.  The original words are said to date from the 8th Century and the tune from about 1590/1600.

Roger Wookey


1 A great and mighty wonder,
a full and holy cure!
the Virgin bears the Infant
with virgin-honour pure:

Repeat the hymn again:
‘To God on high be glory,
and peace on earth to men.’

2 The Word becomes incarnate,
and yet remains on high;
and cherubim sing anthems
to shepherds from the sky

3 While thus they sing your Monarch,
those bright angelic bands,
rejoice, ye vales and mountains,
ye oceans, clap your hands

4 Since all he comes to ransom,
by all be he adored,
the Infant born in Bethl’em,
the Saviour and the Lord

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